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If you have hurt yourself at work including whilst travelling to or from your workplace, your GP may recommend lodging a claim with your employer in order to access Workcover.

Workcover is a program set up to help cover employees for related expenses due to injuries sustained whilst carrying out their course of employment. It also helps organise return to work plans in order to get you back into the workforce as soon as possible.

Most employers insure their workers through Workcover Queensland though some may use their own. It is best to check with your employer regarding which insurer you are covered under. A referral from your GP is necessary to receive treatment under Workcover QLD.

At Moreton All Body Care, our physiotherapists are trained to assess and treat any type of injury you may have occurred through your workplace. We can help you with a return-to-work plan which may include a graduated return to tasks, starting with light duties and increasing the tasks as tolerable. We also keep in contact with your insurer to update them on your progress on a regular basis or as needed.

We accept almost all work injury claims whether it is through Workcover QLD or an alternative insurer through the company. If you have any questions or would like to book in to see one of our physiotherapists for your workplace injury, please contact us on 07 3888 6699 or 07 3886 9470. Alternatively, you can make a booking using our booking portal.